Tag Archives: local comic shop

December actually did happen.

Oh hey, it’s the middle of February.

We haven’t been in a coma.  We were not kidnapped by angry Alberta hipsters and taken to a seminar on repsonsible recycling and gluten free practices for the lowest environmental impact.  We were not hit by a naked bicyclist.

Also, even though Print Julep didn’t film in January, it didn’t stop us from livin’ the Comics Dream-  and by that we mean “working really, really, really hard on awesome things with no money coming in because that is the reality of an artistic choice in profession in the United States.”

While we were drowning in other projects, we did manage to film a Holiday Episode that detailed how to make a Naughty Nog. No books were reviewed for our holiday episode, but in celebration of our Local Comic Shop getting a newer/bigger location, we made a gingerbread Comic Shop (Print Julep Style) because that’s how we roll.

If you don’t want to sit through another horribly produced video on how to make this naughty nog, (complete with tips on how to pass the time while the mix cools in the fridge)  here is a recipe breakdown of how to make the Naughty Nog…so you don’t have to wait for the the drag of the holidays to try to be artisinal n’ shit.


  • 4 eggs separated yolks and whites
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 2 cups milk
  • 1/3 cup sugar +1 tablespoon
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon cardamom
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 4 oz Bourbon
Start by heating the milk and heavy cream in a sauce pan until simmering around the edges and just barely boiling.
While the milk mixture heats, beat the egg yolks and sugar until they lighten in color and double in size.
Set the egg whites aside in the fridge to use later.
Temper the eggs with the hot milk mixture by slowly pouring it in while the eggs are whipping. It should take about 30 seconds to a minute to fully incorporate.
*When fully incorporated, there is a thick foam layer that will form from being whipped. It will dissolve as you stir over heat*
Place the mixture into a heavy bottom sauce pan, Add nutmeg, Cinnamon, and cardamom. Heat on medium-high, stirring frequently, until mixture reaches 160 degrees and thickens slightly.
Take off from heat and pour into a glass bowl.
Add 4 oz of the most delicious Bourbon you can think of.
We used Whippersnapper because of the sweet yet balanced taste.

"Holiday Magic."
“Holiday Magic.”
Stir until combined and then cool in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.
When mixture is completely cooled, take egg whites out and begin whipping them until they start foaming slightly.
Add 1 Tablespoon of sugar and then beat until stiff peaks form. Using a large whisk, fold egg whites into the egg yolk custard until combined.
(The amount of times ‘beat’ is used in this recipe is difficult to resist added jokes.  Please admire my restraint.) 

Pour in a pitcher and get shit faced.



Did you get a really good idea of how to pour this shit into a really cute, holiday themed, Pinterest worthy pitcher? Did you? Because I wanted to make sure as I took the photos that this could apply to those who might not know how to do that.  I really hope that condescendingly (yet beautifully photographed) tutorial above was helpful to someone.

Now. Here’s a tutorial on how to do the last step.


Did you just get a little sick to your stomach because of how ridiculously sweet and cute that just was?

Do you feel all warm with the holiday spirit(s)?

Are you inspired to put up a calendar in your house with a countdown to the holidays now, and start planning a party (in February) for the holiday party you’re gonna throw where you can make that super badass egg nog that is chock full of liquor and happiness and party-foul potential?


Here’s what happens after you help yourself to a few of those delicious treats in a cute glass. (other than getting fat. That happens.)



You make a cheap ass Gingerbread house.  And you use an anti-depressant to dot the ‘i’ because Seasonal Defective Disorder..because PORTLAND IN DECEMBER.

Then you start making Dick in a Box jokes.

"Step 2."
“Step 2.”

Then you start feeling all artistic and worth something, so you take really nice photos of holiday things around the house that reflect your “unique nerdy style.”




So that last one doesn’t reflect my unique nerdy style…but it was an absolutely beautiful steak that Claire made for dinner, and by that time, I was seriously ready for some dinner. And then I was like “Wow. Look at that steak. That is a thing of beauty.”  Right after I looked around to make sure no one saw my drool on my shirt, I had a photo shoot with it and talked to it like a playboy model.  And then I ate it.

That’s the story of the steak photo.

We spent the rest of the night doing gingerbread stuff and laughing and enjoying the fruits of our labor…with every intention of putting a blog up about it BEFORE FEBRUARY.  But sometimes we fail in life. And sometimes, especially in Portland, people fail a lot and do it very stylishly and then turn it into a career. So we’re just gonna own that for right now, k?



Here’s some more pictures.

I’m on a roll. Maybe I’ll post January’s blog in February.   Things are improving. (DO NOT DISAGREE WITH ME, I HAVE LOW SELF ESTEEM.)


Cheers!  Awesome things to come in 2015, we promise!
